
This site contains the portals to the other pets, or the pets that don't have their own website.

In-Store Pets


Bunnies are single prim breedables that hop around. They use physics when hopping and are trait based.

They can eat special food that “tints” their coats, tints can then be mixed by breeding tinted pairs.

Bunnies eat carrots that can be grown via a farm, or bought instore.


Spiders are also single prim breedables, however they don’t hop. They walk around and are animated (not animesh).

They have trait based furs, but their eyes and fangs are colour based.

They eat Tasty Flies which can be obtained using a dragonfly mulcher or bought in the store.


Serpents are also single prim breedables, they have wings and fly around (animated wing flapping). Serpents have skin traits, their eyes and wings are colour based.

Serpents eat Tasty Fish which can be obtained via the fishing system or bought in store.

They have sounds.

Pets via Fishing System

Pets via the fishing system can be caught at any location that has an “Xundra’s Fishing” area kit set up. It’s free to fish, and free to catch these breedables, but food may or may not require purchase (depending on the breedable).


Dragonflies are also single prim breedables, they have wings that flap and fly around in 3 dimensions. They are colour based breedables, but they also have different wing textures.

Dragonflies eat via their menu, (so free). Or you can fish up a rare Dragonfly flower that will feed all the dragonflies in the region for 4 weeks.

They have sounds.


Frogs are single prim breedables that hop around like the bunnies. They are trait based and have traits for eyes, body and legs.

Frogs eat Tasty Flies, the same as spiders.

They have sounds.

Old Turtles

Old turtles are the old colour based turtles, they have different coloured shell tops and bottoms. They are not animated.

Old turtles eat via their menu, so for free. Or you can obtain a turtle auto feeder that feeds turtles in range for 4 weeks.

Retired Pets

Retired pets still work, and you may find some from a breeder, however I no longer sell them.


Ducks were non-animated colour based pets, and were made to be similar to my old Quail (but with new scripts).

They eat via their menu, so for free.

They have sounds.


Squirrels were much like ducks, except they were squirrels. They had different coloured ears and tails.

They eat via their menu, so for free.